DOI: 10.1111/nin.12243. Abstract. Jacqueline Fawcett's nursing metaparadigm-the domains of person, health, environment, and nursing-remains popular in nursing curricula, despite having been repeatedly challenged as a logical philosophy of nursing. Fawcett appropriated the word "metaparadigm" (indirectly) from Margaret Masterman and Thomas Kuhn as a devise that allowed her to organize then-current areas of nursing interest into a philosophical "hierarchy of knowledge," and thereby claim


The Finnish nursing theorist Katie Eriksson's (1943-2019) theory of caritative caring represents a non-medical paradigm concerning the phenomena of nursing. The aim of this article was to present an oversight of the development of Eriksson's theory of caritative caring from a human science point of view.

The key ideas of Eriksson's theory of caritative caring are linked to the metaparadigm concepts of human being, health and suffering, caring and environment. All of these are permeated with the ethos of caritative caring, that is, the caritas thought of human love and mercy, and the honouring of the absolute dignity of human beings. The Finnish nursing theorist Katie Eriksson's (1943-2019) theory of caritative caring represents a non-medical paradigm concerning the phenomena of nursing. The aim of this article was to present an oversight of the development of Eriksson's theory of caritative caring from a human science point of … Syftet med omvårdnad och vård, som Eriksson och Lindström ( 2009 ) hävdar, har alltid varit att lindra lidande och att tjäna liv och hälsa i en anda av karitas och att skydda patientens värdighet.Att utveckla vårdvetenskap som en universell vetenskap som går utöver alla yrkesgränser leder till ett behov av att formulera och förtydliga ett medvetet teoretiskt perspektiv.Med tanke Katie Eriksson is one of the pioneers of caring science in the Nordic countries.

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Kati KleberNursing En källkritisk checklista i A3-format till åk 5. Fröken Helena ErikssonUndervisning  Tfn: +358 (0)2 432 3220) Kati Reijonen (E-post:, Tfn: +358 Sanden-Eriksson (E-post:, Tfn: +358 (0)6 328 5342) hälsan, vården och världen som vårdvetenskapens metaparadigm. The Finnish nursing theorist Katie Eriksson's (1943–2019) theory of caritative caring represents a non‐medical paradigm concerning the phenomena of nursing. The aim of this article was to present an oversight of the development of Eriksson's theory of caritative caring from a human science point of view.

Katie Eriksson Biography and Career of Katie Eriksson. Katie Eriksson is a Finland-Swedish nurse. After taking nursing in 1965 to be able to practice nursing, she became a nursing instructor at Helsinki Swedish Medical Institute.

Katie Eriksson Biography and Career of Katie Eriksson. Katie Eriksson is a Finland-Swedish nurse. After taking nursing in 1965 to be able to practice nursing, she became a nursing instructor at Helsinki Swedish Medical Institute. Katie Eriksson (1987) delar in miljön i det fysiska, det psykosociala och det andliga livsrummet.

Nursing theory is defined as "a creative and rigorous structuring of ideas that project a tentative, purposeful, and systematic view of phenomena". Through systematic inquiry, whether in nursing research or practice, nurses are able to develop knowledge relevant to improving the care of patients.

Katie eriksson metaparadigm

Varje studentpar blir tilldelad en av följande omvårdnadsteoretiker: Florence Nightingale, Virginia Henderson, Dorothea Orem, Jean Watson, Madeline Leininger och Katie Eriksson. Läs in er på er tilldelade omvårdnadsteori, t ex: Originalverk eller antologier om omvårdnadsteorin (finns på biblioteket). Eriksson (6) talar om tre olika former av lidande inom vården: sjukdomslidande, vårdlidande och livslidande. Sjukdomslidande är det lidande som patienten upplever i relation till sin sjukdom och den behandling hon får. Smärta, oro eller ångest är inte detsamma som sjukdomslidande, däremot är de ofta orsaker till sjukdomslidandet.

Katie eriksson metaparadigm

av C Wikström-Grotell · 2016 · Citerat av 2 — Handledare: Katie Eriksson, professor emerita, Åbo Akademi & Raija Lenné, docent,. Karolinska Institutet Ett metaparadigm ger en orienteringsgrund för ett  Katie Eriksson, Ingegerd Fagerberg, Lisbeth Fagerström, Lennart Fredriksson, Omvårdnadens metaparadigm består av konsensusbegreppen; människa,  av GM Ejneborn-Looi · 2015 · Citerat av 12 — Diskussion och kliniska implikationer . Eriksson (2014) beskriver relationen mellan patient och vårdare som kärnan i vårdprocessen. Dock synliggör inte heller R. (1998). Nursing's metaparadigm concepts: Disimpacting the debates. For example, in the nursing metaparadigm, environment is one of four con- studierektor Stefan Eriksson och tidigare studierektor Barbro Wadensten samt Blomgren, Lisa Hultin, Katarina Hjelm, Kati Knudsen, Marja-Leena Kristof-. av A Hansen · 2018 — Katie Eriksson (1992, s.35) förklarar Reflektion och tillämpning av vårdvetenskapens metaparadigm enligt utbildningsprogrammets.
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Trots det upplever sjuksk terskor att de saknar kunskap om hur lidande ska lindras (Lindholm et al., 1993). Enligt Eri ksson (1994) finns det tre olika lidande inom v rden. Dessa r v rdlidande, sjukdomslidande och livslidande.

Katie Eriksson var inte bara en förgrundsgestalt och ledare.
Studievägledare malmö kontakt

BIOGRAPHY •-Katie Eriksson was born on November 18, 1943 in Jakobstad, Finland. She belongs to the Finland-Swedish minority in Finland and her native language is Swedish. • She is a 1965 graduate of the Helsinki Swedish School of Nursing. • And in 1967 She completed her public health nursing specialty education at the same institution.

Kati KleberNursing En källkritisk checklista i A3-format till åk 5. Fröken Helena ErikssonUndervisning  Tfn: +358 (0)2 432 3220) Kati Reijonen (E-post:, Tfn: +358 Sanden-Eriksson (E-post:, Tfn: +358 (0)6 328 5342) hälsan, vården och världen som vårdvetenskapens metaparadigm.

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Katie Eriksson goes a long way in her exploration of the motif. All at once it touches theology, philosophy, and science crucial ingredients in the process of healing and encounters with suffering. Her writing is like opening a window and letting the fresh air sweep over us.

Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Katie Eriksson, RN; PhD. Nursing Science Quarterly 2007 20: 3, 201-202 Download Citation. If you have the appropriate software installed, you can download article Through an analysis of articles introducing and critiquing Fawcett's metaparadigm, I argue for a re-conceptualized metaparadigm that articulates nursing's ontology. What exists for the nursing discipline are not already-demarcated metaparadigm domains, but rather interdependent, dynamic relations that constitute people, including nurses, in their health/environment circumstance. Born in Jakobstad, Finland, the 18th of November, 1943, Professor Katie Eriksson passed away on the 30th of August this year at the age of 75. First a practicing nurse, then a public health nurse, then nursing educator, she continued her academic studies at the University of Helsinki where she obtained an MA degree in philosophy in 1974, a Licentiate in philosophy in 1976, and a doctorate in Request PDF | On Jan 1, 2006, U. Å. Lindström and others published Katie Eriksson: Theory of caritative caring | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate In this guide for nursing theories, we aim to help you understand what comprises a nursing theory and its importance, purpose, history, types or classifications, and give you an overview through summaries of selected nursing theories. Nursing Theory: Eriksson A 5 page paper discussing the nursing theory of Katie Eriksson, which focuses on caring in the Christian tradition.